
Can I implement many Context for one dobo object ?

Yes, yes, yes! Dobo is all about context, one object can have multiple context. Eg, one method can be annotated with many context.

What happen if the Interface method return type and parameter type does not match with dobo?

Exception will be thrown by dobo when you want to instantiate the object, you will notice the reason of the exception.

What happen if Dobo does not implement some of the context member for particular Context ?

Exception will thrown when you don't annotate all the context member. Considered as implementing interface, you need to override all abstract method.

Does Dobo only for Interface ?

No, dobo is not only for interface, you can use abstract class. However if you generate context using dobo, dobo will create context member only for the abstract method.

Does Dobo support for Inheritance ?

Yes, dobo object support for inheritance. For eg: if you create a dobo object which extends dobo object, then you can the inheritance will work and you can get the object behavior in different.